Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday Servants
Each Sunday there are a variety of servant roles that help us produce meaningful and excellent worship for our in-person and virtual congregation. If you are interested in helping serve on a Sunday morning see list of servant roles below and email their coordinators directly to learn more:
Acolytes (Youth ages 11 -18) : Coordinator Charity Preston, charitypreston.calvaryumc@gmail.com
Ambassador: Coordinator Lisa Heywood-Drake, drakegandl@gmail.com
Children's Church Assistant: Coordinator Charity Preston, charitypreston.calvaryumc@gmail.com
Coffee Hour Host: Coordinator Lisa Drake-Drake, LADRAKE46@gmail.com
Communion Steward (1st Sundays): Coordinator Janice Kelly, jakelly0920@gmail.com
Greeter/Usher: Coordinator Ellen Danis, ellendanis@gmail.com
Liturgist: Coordinator Pastor Drew, pastordrew.calvaryumc@gmail.com
Livestream: Coordinator Olivia G. calvaryumclatham@gmail.com
Nursery Care Provider: Coordinator Kristen Rains , kristenrains.calvaryumc@gmail.com
PowerPoint Operator: Coordinator Yvonne Abunaw, yabunaw@outlook.com
Teller: Coordinator Paul Breslin, pvbreslin@gmail.com
Eucharist Ministry
This ministry is a team of folks who help ensure everyone has access to communion elements for worship on the first Sunday of each month. If you would like to help drop off communion elements to our at home members or learn more about this ministry contact Pastor Gordon at pastorgordon.calvaryumc@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunity: Rental Coordinator
Is this you? Calvary is looking for someone to coordinate rentals at the Church, including supervision of renter activities. The Coordinator would work with the Trustee Chair and the Pastor to set rental charges and policies and in collaboration with the Church Administrative Assistant respond to rental inquiries. The Coordinator would also communicate with renters on payment and usage issues and ensure compliance with Church policies. The length of the term for serving as Rental Coordinator would be flexible, and no minimum term would be set for remaining as Coordinator.
If you could contribute to Calvary by serving as the Church Rental Coordinator, please contact the Church Office, or Len Van Ryn at vrlenprita@aol.com or 518-786-1858.
Volunteer Opportunity: Tellers needed
Calvary has a way you can serve! We need to increase the number of tellers to serve Calvary to spread the workload.
What is a teller? Each week two people, we call them tellers, count the income from various sources, fill out appropriate forms and deposit the proceeds into our bank.
When is this done? Usually following Sunday service.
How long does it take? Times vary depending on amounts of checks, etc. but less than an hour.
Is it hard to do? If you can balance your checkbook and use an adding machine, you can easily do this. Basic math skills is all that’s needed.
Is there help? We always work in pairs. All current tellers have been doing this for a long while now and will always be able to answer questions. Two new tellers will never be scheduled at the same time.
What about scheduling? Teller schedules are done 1/3 of a year at a time. You pick dates you are unavailable before schedule is completed. If your plans change, you trade with another teller.
How do I sign up to be a teller? Contact Paul Breslin at pvbreslin@gmail.com or 518-810-8970.
Calvary's Visitor's Station
Hello disciples of Christ. As Calvary moves forward in our steps back into in-person worship together, we are looking for a few disciples that would be available to assist with our Visitor's Station on Sunday mornings. During the past couple of years, we have continued to welcome visitors, both in person and through our Visitor's email. Many visitors are now disciples in our congregation.
Requirements: A friendly, caring, welcoming smile (even if it is under a mask). All training is provided at your convenience. We were all once new. If you would like to help visitors get to know the loving Calvary community, please call Lisa Heywood-Drake at drakegandl@gmail.com.
Visitation Team
This ministry team visits at home members on regular basis to provide support and connection to Calvary. If you are interested in volunteering with this team (training required) please contact Pastor Gordon at pastorgordon.calvaryumc@gmail.com
Upper Room Devotional Update
We are looking for volunteers in the New Year to fund all or part of a two-month devotional for the upcoming year. The current cost of these devotionals is less than $150.00 every two months. Would you please prayerfully consider supporting all or a portion of this cost to help this ministry? Or you can help by volunteering to drop off the devotionals at one of our partner facilities. If you want to volunteer in either capacity, kindly contact Rita Pickett at 518-786-1858 or vrlenprita@aol.com.
Quarterly Cook and Serve
Once a quarter Calvary provides a meal for the capital city rescue mission, you can learn more HERE. If you would like to help by cooking or serving please contact Tracy Blaogh at tdb1214@gmail.com
We Care Mailing List
The "We Care" mailing list has been updated. The list of people are those who can appreciate a card or note from people of Calvary. Please contact the church office if you would like a copy.