July 24, 2024


This Sunday is the last in our series on biblical heroines.  Unlike the previous weeks, the woman we will hear about this week does not have a name!  Mark’s Gospel tells us that she was Greek and Syrophoenician by birth.  Jesus was looking for some “down time” after having many discussions (likely heated at times) with the Pharisees and scribes regarding their judgment of those who did not meet their standards of piety.  He went to Tyre which was gentile territory located in Lebanon.  Even there, Jesus’ ministry and miracles were known.  The woman wanted help for her daughter who according to Mark, was “possessed by unclean spirits”. 


The woman broke with all sorts of tradition as she approached Jesus, unaccompanied by a husband or man as the culture would demand, and initiated conversation with him.  She was a gentile outsider and with her daughter, likely unwelcome in most situations.  That didn’t stop her from seeking help for her daughter.  Jesus response to her seems very uncharacteristic of what we have come to know about him.   He basically said the children need to be fed first and “the children’s bread” is not be given to the dogs.  Did he just say she was a dog?  In effect, he seems to be telling her he wasn’t there for her, an outsider.  She did not give up, she stood up to Jesus: “Even the dogs get the children’s crumbs”.  In the end, Jesus said it was a good answer and praises her faith with her daughter being healed.  There are many implications for us as we read this account.  When we think of all that Jesus did and has done for and with us, we might be happy with any crumbs he might throw our way.  However, he has invited us to the table, to feast at a table much larger than we might imagine.  The encounter by “Syrophoenician woman” might just be a reminder of how it is we invite and include those who feel like they are on the outside, into the feast.  See you in church!

Click on the links below to see the following informational documents:

· Instruction on how to find the Sunday Worship service on Facebook

· Calvary UMC Covid-19 reopening guidelines

Meet Our Preacher for Sunday, July 28th

Tara Barnes will bring our message during worship this week.  For the past fourteen years, she has been the director of denominational relations for United Women in Faith.  United Women in Faith is the official women’s organization of The United Methodist Church focused on gender equity, racial justice, climate justice, and connecting and nurturing women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that women can insure, influence and impact their churches and communities. 


As director, Ms. Barnes helps United Women in Faith understand The United Methodist Church so women’s voices can be heard in the church’s decision-making spaces and move the church to make the world one in which women can thrive. She is editor of Response magazine, the official magazine of United Methodist Women. 


“Even when I’m in the nitty-gritty of editing – which I also enjoy – I’m still learning about how women of faith have changed and are changing the world. I have amazing colleagues from whom I learn so much, and our members are endlessly committed to service and advocacy with marginalized communities,” Tara said. “I can’t put a value on how much I’ve learned about my faith, about privilege, social justice, advocacy for women, leadership. I thank God for all of the people I’ve gotten to meet – in person and through stories – because of my vocation.  I want to help other women reach their full potential. I want to be part of a church advancing the world toward true king-dom living……...”


We will be celebrating the new school year with a Blessing of the Backpacks on September 8th during Worship. All children are encouraged to bring their backpacks to church for the blessing.

Welcome Back Sunday 2024

Save the Date  -  Sunday, September 15th

Join us for Calvary's Welcome Back service on September 15th, as we kick off our new year of ministry.  Whether you’ve been away for a while or have been faithfully attending, we want to gather as one united family to celebrate, reconnect and resume all of our regular worship programming.

Let’s start the year with celebration for all God has done and is doing at and through Calvary.

Please keep in your prayers:

Calvary’s mission and ministry and for the mission and ministry of the church in the world; for those who need the presence of God in their lives; for those serving in armed forces; and for those serving in ministry around the world and here. 

 And for: Pat, Kyle, Ellen, Duane, Bonnie, Karen and Bud, Wendy, Allison, Shelby, Paul, David, Bob, June, Dennis, Ragina, Patti, Bill, Mike and Dave.

And those members of Calvary who are no longer able to be active among us as they once were: Joan, Bernie, Shirley, Dottie, Bill, Doris, Bob, Mickey, Peg, Pepper, Jean, and Barb.

Virtual Prayer Request

If you have a prayer request that you would like lifted during Sunday services you can now submit them online at our website or by clicking the link below.  We have also created this QR code, which can be found in the Sanctuary and round the building.  It can be scanned at any time to send a request.

Calvary Online Prayer Requests


Join a House Church!

Calvary’s House Church, ministry continues to grow and remain a vital component of our worship life together. With six active house churches, forty five participants we are seeing tremendous response. One participant has said “Joining house church was the best thing I’ve done for myself in a long time.”... See More

 For more information, and upcoming events check out our  Family Ministries Page.

Children's Church

Just a reminder! Children's Church will resume through July 28th. 

Church Nursery

Please be advised that the Church Nursery will not be available during the summer. 

Children's Choir

Children's Choir is on a summer break! We will resume regular rehearsals in September! 


Missions Team Update

Have you been wondering what Calvary's Mission Team has been up to?  Well, here's a little update!

The Missions Team has been meeting monthly and carefully considering Calvary's missional direction.

If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to one of the committee members - Tracy Balogh, Grace Pastor, Anita MacDonald, Audrey Esposito, Shannon Gorman, Cece Broomhead.

Calvary Missional Partnerships

Calvary has long standing relationships with a number of mission organizations that impact people from the local area.  For more information on the following organizations, please click here.

Schenectady Street Soldiers Update

Calvary's Missions Team, in coordination with Connie Cutler, has agreed to pause all donations for the Schenectady Street Soldiers at this time.  We are truly grateful to Connie for coordinating Calvary's efforts to support Street Soldiers for so many years, she has made a significant impact on this ministry.  The missions team is considering redirecting our resources and focus while also still aligning with Calvary's Mission, Vision and Values.  At this time, please do not leave any donations for Street Soldiers in the vestibule, between the entry doors.  Possibly the donations can be redirected to the Capital City Rescue Mission or the St Ambrose food pantry.  

Thank you,

Calvary's Missions Team


Preschool Summer Camp Update

Summer camp this week is all about fairy tales! The kids are having lots of fun reading about the 3 Billy Goats Gruff, Jack and the Beanstalk, and The 3 Little Pigs.

Calvary Preschool Garage Sale

Saturday July 27th from 2-5pm is our Garage Sale. We have classroom furniture, teaching materials, toys, craft supplies, and so much more. Proceeds from our garage sale will support preschool programming and help us establish a scholarship fund. We have something for just about everybody, so stop by!

Support Calvary

If you would like to Support the ministry of Calvary, you may do so using the link below or QR code. Thank you for your generosity.


For more ways to support Calvary, please click here.

Tellers Schedule

The Tellers for this Sunday, July 28th, 2024

Ellen Barnes and Dave Weary

Click here to see the full Teller Schedule.