Justice Ministries
Reconciling Ministries
In 2023, Calvary UMC became a reconciling congregation and joined the Reconciling Ministries Network. As a reconciling congregation, we welcome EVERYONE to worship with us and participate in the ministries of our church.
As a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network, we join with others in the United Methodist Church individuals, covenant groups, and congregations, committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church. For information about Reconciling Ministries visit their website.
Learn more about Reconciling Ministries by Clicking Here
A Safe Haven Congregation
Safe Haven Congregations are local churches among United Methodists of Upper New York equipped to offer radical hospitality to anyone whose church closes or has chosen to disaffiliate or close. Regardless of our theological leaning, as United Methodists, we are all encouraged to follow the example in Acts 2 of the community of Jesus’ followers caring for each other – a diverse community that is ready to receive unity as a gift from God.
Learn More about UNY Safe Haven Congregations by clicking here