Calvary Music
Music truly is one of the strengths at Calvary! Calvary offers a variety of choirs that provide ministry through music, help lead and support Sunday Morning Worship and provide outreach through special events and concerts offered to Calvary and the public.
Chancel Choir
This vocal choir is led by our Organist/Choir Director, Natalia Shevchuk. Members include high school students and adults. The choir provides special music during Sunday morning worship and includes a wide variety of composers and styles, from 16th Century to current day Spirituals. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
In May 2019, the Calvary UM Choir was invited to sing, along with other choirs from around the country, at Carnegie Hall in New York City, under the direction of composer Mary McDonald.
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir is for children ages 3 and up. It practices regularly during the school year on Sundays after church services for a half hour. The choir is led by Mrs. Barb and Mrs. Kristen, who help our kids learn fun uplifting and christian songs throughout the year. This choir typically to provide their wonderful, joyful songs during once a month during Sunday morning worship.If you have any questions, please contact:
Howe Music Scholarship
Each year the Howe Music Endowment offers scholarships for the benefit of members of Calvary United Methodist Church for music education. The endowment is managed by the Trustees and offers an annual gift for the pursuance of vocal and (or) instrumental instruction. It is the intent of the endowment to encourage candidates (7th grade to adults) who are members of a musical performance group at Calvary, to enhance their musical skills.